Just three days

One of several remarkable sand sculptures adorning the beaches of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, in March 2004

One of several remarkable sand sculptures adorning the beaches of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, March 2004

“Earth’s saddest day and gladdest day were just three days apart!“– Susan Coolidge

The gospel story of Jesus and his victory over death was foreshadowed centuries earlier, and not only in the writing of the Old Testament prophets.  In the book of Psalms we find this hopeful verse: “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.” (Psalm 30:5 NKJV) What Christians think of as the Easter story is actually a promise worth celebrating every day: even the longest night will not last forever, and death does not have the final word.

An oft-quoted saying declares that the darkest hour is right before dawn, but I confess there have been times when I’ve reassured myself with that thought, only to find that I had not yet seen the darkest hour.  Yet sometimes, just when we are ready to give up, we discover unspeakable joys in our future, much closer to us than we would have dared to dream.  May the coming of spring awaken in your soul the courage to hope!


  1. Sheila

    Julia, I will have faith and courage today,strengthened by your words and the Upper Room that I just read. Bill had flu-like symptoms yesterday that were ruled negative and his doctor admitted him to the hospital. Chemotherapy has left his weakened system compromised.
    Thank you and others for lifting Bill, as well as Jeff, this Good Friday in prayer. Sheila

    • Sheila, I am so sorry to read that Bill is sick. I will be praying for both of you and hope that he regains his strength soon. It’s so hard when the only remedy available can be almost as bad as the disease! Thinking of you both.

      • Sheila

        Thank you my kind friend!

  2. merry

    Peace and Blessings to both of you and your love ones. We just returned from a drama of The Lord’s Supper; our son and DIL went with us. What a wonderful Good Friday but Sunday will be better. For all of us…

    • Amen! I have thought often how hard it must have been for the friends and loved ones of Jesus, who didn’t know what was coming on Sunday! Can you imagine the joy the felt when it finally became undeniable – “He is Risen!!” Sunday is coming!

  3. The human spirit is an amazing thing. I often think this when I see a homeless man in our park, he’s there on the bench quite often with his cart overfilled with I’m sure, everything he owns. I sometimes take him snacks and juice or water in summer, and he always smiles and says thank you. I think, I’d like to stop and know why he’s there, alone. But wonder if I would be intrusive. My husband doesn’t want me to go alone, so I’m torn. I not sure how I would fair in his situation. I’d hope some survival instinct would kick in, I’d hope I’d find strength to carry on, like he does. I hear the strength in your words with each post and learn from that too Julia. Happy Easter my dear.

    • Thank you! When we work at the homeless shelter (run by area churches that take turns using their building as shelter) I am always surprised and humbled by how many of them seem to have a better attitude than I do. As we check them in I’ll ask them how they are doing and quite a few of them will respond, “I’m very blessed today, how about you?” I always wonder whether I’d say that if I had to sleep on a little mat on a floor along with dozens of other people in a big room! I am so glad that you find strength in these posts. Thanks so much for being here!

  4. Are we in the darkest hour? I don’t know. Still I am luckier than many others. We are not yet deprived of the basic necessities.
    Julia, pray for us. I must overcome this too, for the sake of my kids.

    • Bindu, I am so sorry you are going through a hard time right now. I will be praying for you and hope that the worst is over. Please let me know how you are doing. My thoughts are with you!

  5. this is yet another beautiful post. i’m so sorry that i’m so behind on reading your amazing daily posts. you are a kind and amazing person, and you’re a strong beacon of light to many. keep shining dear one.

    • Thanks so much! I get far behind on reading everyone else’s posts also; there is so much out there to admire, appreciate and enjoy! I am grateful for your kind words and your visits here!

  6. I liked reading in that Jesus said to the thief beside him “today you will be with me in paradise.”
    We wait for three days to celebrate Easter, but the victory over death was actually accomplished on Good Friday!

    • In one sense, as Christ said “it is finished,” but still not fully accomplished. If so, the thief’s victory would have been identical to that of Jesus. The victory over the grave was fully established by his resurrection. Paul makes this case quite firmly in 1 Corinthians 15, particularly in verses 12-22. “And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins.” (verse 17)


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